... will not now take place, as I have been invited back for another day of interviews. Many apologies, as obviously, I would far rather be teaching you. There are two things that I suggest you do with your time today:
1) Those of you who were not in Tuesday's lesson, please collect your essays from the purple folder on my desk, read through them carefully, and look at the sheets of exam advice. Use these to try and improve your essays, and then e-mail me the improved version.
2) All of you need to work harder on your knowledge ofb the texts, and on responding to the key ideas in each. LOok at the sample questions, and write notes for each text on how the author creates character, uses the speaking voice, opens and ends the poems, and presents key events.
you could, of course, do a timed essay from the selection of questions that I have already posted, and e-mail it to me.
Many thanks, and apologies again,
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